Tags Eupry Contronics temperature monitoring comparison to Eupry Alex Henderson 24th January 2025 11th February 2025 How does the Contronics temperature monitoring work? The Contronics temperature monitoring system is a flexible and robust solution designed for
Tags Centrifuge Laboratory equipment maintenance providers: A comprehensive guide for equipment manufacturers who require service support in the UK Alex Henderson 25th July 2024 Laboratory equipment maintenance providers are used by scientists, researchers and laboratory managers to care for the laboratory equipment they use.
Tags Centrifuge Dual centrifugation for in-vial nano-milling and homogenisation Alex Henderson 26th June 2024 Dual centrifugation is a fast and convenient nano-milling technique that has been used in the preparation of liposomes for many
Tags centrifuge for food analysis Using and choosing a laboratory centrifuge for the food industry Alex Henderson 31st January 2024 4th July 2024 People can use centrifuges in a variety of different settings including those who use a laboratory centrifuge for the food
Tags -25 freezer Under counter biomedical freezer: The Vestfrost F-138i biomedical freezer (-25°C) Alex Henderson 19th October 2023 There are many choices when it comes to buying an under counter biomedical freezer. It’s no wonder it can be
Tags Buying guide Centrifuges for GPs. Which centrifuge is best for GP practices and Doctor’s surgeries? Alex Henderson 21st September 2023 Choosing centrifuges for GPs and Doctor’s surgeries can be a confusing task if you’re not familiar with this type of
Tags Centrifuge Hettich Universal 320R centrifuge review Alex Henderson 14th July 2023 With a variety of refrigerated centrifuges on the market, it can be difficult to know which one is best for
Tags Freezer Temperature mapping guide: an introduction to temperature mapping and why it is needed Alex Henderson 23rd March 2023 I have already written a temperature mapping guide in a previous blog, back in May 2021. This was a basic
Tags Centrifuge Cell washer centrifuge for blood banks: Hettich ROTOLAVIT II cell washer centrifuge review Alex Henderson 23rd February 2023 Cell washer centrifuges can be a key piece of laboratory equipment for blood banks in hospitals. There are several cell
Hettich EBA 270 centrifuge review Alex Henderson 15th December 2022 Hettich EBA 270 centrifuge overview The Hettich EBA 270 is a compact, but powerful small benchtop centrifuge capable of spinning
Tags Centrifuge Heated centrifuge buying guide Alex Henderson 9th September 2022 A heated centrifuge is not usually the first choice for most laboratory users when they are thinking about buying a
Tags Buying guide Medical device packaging: using heat sealers to package medical devices Alex Henderson 9th August 2022 Medical device packaging can take many different forms. However, in this month’s blog, we are going to be looking at